Ahlei has been sympathetically designed to communicate the formality of Northbourne Avenue and enhance the human experience leading into the organic chaos of Braddon's hospitality and cultural precinct.

Liveability is at the forefront with every aspect maximising the best outcomes for the occupants.

The heritage-protected sunset views over Black Mountain and Telstra Tower offer residents a serene and timeless backdrop, while the wide northern frontage with an established canopy provides natural beauty and shade. Additionally, the eastern views over Braddon's eclectic urban landscape, coupled with Mount Ainslie as the backdrop, add depth and character to the environment.

With such advantageous positioning and scenery, residents of Ahlei are set to indulge in a high quality of life, where every aspect of their surroundings contributes to their well-being and satisfaction.

At its essence, the façade has been intended to be visually striking, innovative, and consistent with the high quality expected in such a prominent location. The frontage invites ground floor activity with attractive entranceways, transparent shopfronts, large scale and materials that reflect Braddon’s character. On the upper floors the building language is formalised to address the prestigious approach route. This is expressed through three cuboid forms at the northern frontage that is proportionally balanced to that of east and west sides. Expressed spandrels separate each floor which creates depth and acts as a layer of privacy by blocking lines of sight from the pedestrians to the living areas of the apartments.

All materials used require minimal maintenance over its life and will age gracefully ensuring a proud development for the gateway to our capital.

Isaac Wagner
Project Architect, COX

Spaces to unwind, connect and celebrate. 

Joe Shevlin
Managing Director of ShevGroup

Community-Focused Retail Selection

The careful selection of retail tenancies will be to the benefit of the community with ease of access to amenity with the core focus of how it interacts with the residents. The preferred retail businesses will include a coffee shop, professional offices, beauty and well being services and a new headquarters for developer and builder (Liebke and Co and Shevgroup).

Ahlei's design is reverse engineered from the individual occupants' needs.